I haven't written in a long time and it is mostly because I have no idea what is happening to me. I just don't feel normal and I am not sure why. Yes I still have hot flashes but the Cymbalta definitely helps to lessen them as well as helps my bladder spasms.
Here is the thing.. My nose, ears and mouth are completely dried up. My eyes perfectly fine and many tests that I have had came back negative for ANA/RA so no Sjogren’s syndrome, so I am completely confused and living in utter hell at the moment I would say. My inner ears are so itchy and sometimes its white and flaky which has never happened before. The other day I did notice almost a red ting to the ear wax. My mouth on the other hand, wow it just never ending thirst. I drink at least 4 liters of water a day and I just can't quench my thirst. I started to develop "Burning mouth syndrome" which I thought was from upping the Cymbalta but now I don't know what it is from. My nose has been dry the longest. It started when I was on the continuous BCP 2008 and it has never gone away. I have tried so many things and at one point I was told it was a tiny cyst and that was removed and now its the other nostril but it just seems dry and my nose NEVER runs even if I have cold.
I have yet to take HRT because everything else is fine, I think. I am 38 and my hysterectomy was May 2014 so that is coming up to 2 yrs. I am utterly confused about this subject. I know that I am young and that I already have mild osteo in my jaw but am I setting myself up for more problems if I take it? My worry is heart disease mostly because it runs in my family and I have been having a lot of heart issues with anxiety which I truly think was brought on in 2007 when I was put on Lupron. I didn't think of it until now and it scares me to go on anything else which could increase my risk.
Seriously though, when does this end... When?
If anyone has any suggestions or is going through the same thing I would be more than happy to hear from you :)