Endo Resources

I have come across some really great resource of information and I wanted to share them with everyone.

Endopaedia  Dr. Redwine's site which is loaded with amazing information 

Endo-Resolved I have always gotten a good deal of information here before Dr. Redwine became readily available in Social media.

Clear Passage Therapy is a place that deals with infertility, Endo, bowel obstructions and scar tissue. 

Yamuna Body Rolling is a technique used to break up scar tissue as well as restore your body to its normal state. I highly recommend this when it comes to SI joints, hips, pelvic scar tissue problems from surgery.

TEN (The Endometriosis Network Canada) This is a great resource for all Canadian Endometriosis sufferers. Come Volunteer, check out the webpage or contact if you need questions answered.

The Center for Endometriosis Care This is an amazing resource for anyone anywhere in the world. The team there are so friendly, helpful and compassionate. 

Hormones Matters This site is one that I write for along with other Endosisters about their journeys, hormones, medications, disease etc. I highly recommend this site. 

Endo Twin Cities - This website is great resource for a lot of Endometriosis information. 

Endo Warriors- Endo Warriors was established to create a positive venue for Endometriosis patients to reach out and support one another through sharing experiences, and providing compassion and encouragement. Endo Warriors serves to empower women and maintain emotional strength in enduring the disease.

Endowhat? Finally a movie that gives the cold hard facts of living with Endometriosis. Shannon Cohn is the director and she did an amazing job getting all the top key players in the Endo world in this video. Get your copy today! Every person with Endometriosis should own this video and to watch it with family and friends so that they can understand what you are dealing with on a daily basis.