Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Faces of Endo

When I first started this project I didn't expect this many women to take part. Already there are 343 and I think its so amazing. It really puts things in perspective doesn't it? I am so thankful for all these women I have met via Facebook but mostly Twitter. Twitter has been my life line, and whenever I am low there is no other places I would rather be then with thousands of women on at the same time supporting each other. Facebook you have to watch what you say but on Twitter I can be me and it doesn't matter to me what people think. I don't let people I know follow me because I would prefer to have that place as somewhere I can go without being judged. The Faces of Endo has made me realize that there are so many of us and that our voice really needs to be heard. Enough is Enough already. Our own families believe what these doctors say and expect us to get better after surgery or through meds, pregnancy and hysterectomy. They don't seem to understand that 80% of Endo sufferers know more than them. It is really sad to be honest, but what is really sad is that we are living it and at times barely hanging on. When will the world know what this disease is? How loud are we going to be when march together at the Million Woman March? I am going to be loud that is a give in, but I hope that our presents is what does it and catches the attention all around the world. We will not back down, We will be heard and we will not suffer like this anymore at the hands of untrained skilled surgeons or tormented by doctors that have no idea what Endo is and make us feel so little instead of just listening to us. 


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